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Ancestral Healing Journey- Part 2

My first week in the UK  was on a farm the Clophill centre, in Bedfordhire England for the Spirit Festival. Spirit fest Uk is not like a typical campout festival where it's a big party with live music. Spirit fest is considered a conscious festival. To me meaning there is certain awareness mindfulness on how… Continue reading Ancestral Healing Journey- Part 2

Off the Mat into the World, Philosophy, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Self Realization, Spirituality, Travel, Uncategorized

Traveling Yogini Adventures Final Part- Integration

It's been seven months since I returned from my trip and I am finally getting a chance to sit down and write a post, after much needed time of reflection, integration of what was experienced and learned. I recently have been reminded on how shocking changes can be to the body. Changes in seasons, environment,… Continue reading Traveling Yogini Adventures Final Part- Integration

Creating Balance, Healing, Love, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Relationships, Self Realization, Spirituality, Travel, Uncategorized

Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 4

In part 4 I intended to write about my rock climbing experience, and rest of time in Thailand compared to Koh Yao Noi Island. There really was not time to write that post as I headed to Northern India, then NYC and now I am home in Buffalo.  As I take my time to readjust… Continue reading Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 4

Chakra's, Food & Nutrition, Healing, Meditation, Off the Mat into the World, Philosophy, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Relationships, Self Realization, Spirituality, Travel, Yoga Diet

Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 3

In part one i mentioned the quote “What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination” and questioned how we change when we travel. Its inevitable that when we travel, especially to different countries, that it changes us in some way. When we… Continue reading Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 3

Chakra's, Creating Balance, Healing, Holistic Healing, Love, Off the Mat into the World, Philosophy, Relationships, Relaxation, Uncategorized

Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 2

"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination." Zig Ziglar I am so feeling this quote as it fell into my lap while on this trip. To some degree when we travel, to a specific destination it changes us. Is it the… Continue reading Traveling Yogini Adventures Part 2

Chakra's, Creating Balance, Holistic Healing, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Relationships, Travel

Traveling Yogini Adventures part 1

On Dec 27th i left the Buffalo NY area on an adventure. An an adventure that would take me to exotic places that have breathtaking views of earths natural beauty. To places within myself and my yoga practice that i may not have seen otherwise. To sharing the teachings of yoga and holistic healing to… Continue reading Traveling Yogini Adventures part 1

Food & Nutrition, Healing, Holistic Healing, Off the Mat into the World, Uncategorized, Yoga Diet

Buyer Beware-The Dilemma of the Educated Consumer part 1

Are you an Educated Consumer or a Programmed Consumer? We grew up in a society where we were programmed to believe that our doctor knows what’s best for us, the FDA food pyramid is what we should be eating to stay healthy, that we can take a pill and it will heal us, that your… Continue reading Buyer Beware-The Dilemma of the Educated Consumer part 1

Chakra's, Creating Balance, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Spirituality

Roadblocks to Practice

When thinking about the yoga path or our spiritual path. The path is not really a path at all, that would imply a destination. As soon as we put a destination on the path we don’t focus on the journey. When we are focused on the journey, we are really experiencing the now moments and… Continue reading Roadblocks to Practice

Creating Balance, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Relationships, Spirituality


The act of balancing on one foot in yoga class can inspire balance in the rest of our lives. While the breath and a focal point of concentration can assist us in posture, it’s the mind that really must let go of a particular outcome for balance on a deeper level, to occur. While in posture… Continue reading A BALANCING ACT

Creating Balance, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Spirituality

Meditation & Art of Letting Go

by Peter Russell In order that the mind should see light instead of darkness, so the entire soul must be turned away from this changing world, until its eye can learn to contemplate reality and that supreme splendor which we have called the good. Hence there may well be an art whose aim would be… Continue reading Meditation & Art of Letting Go

Back to Love & Light, Love, Off the Mat into the World, Relationships, Self Realization, Spirituality

Love is my Religion

LOVE IS MY RELIGION By: Nicole Petroff Yes I declared myself a worshiper of LOVE. Love is my religion. When thinking about the concept of having love as a religion, I realized it shouldn’t be like any other organized religion. This religion has no rules, no specific places to worship, no specific god or people… Continue reading Love is my Religion

Back to Love & Light, Off the Mat into the World, Self Realization, Spirituality

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Possible Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening by Karen Bishop 1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours,… Continue reading Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Off the Mat into the World, Poetry, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Self Realization, Spirituality

Tree of Yoga

There are many misconceptions on what yoga is about. Many people in this country have been mislead into believing that yoga is just doing postures to gain more strength, flexibility, and beatification. The misunderstanding of what yoga is can take a student in the opposite direction of the true meaning and goal of yoga. Yoga's… Continue reading Tree of Yoga

Creating Balance, Food & Nutrition, Holistic Healing, Off the Mat into the World, Philosophy, Yoga Diet

Food For The Soul

Food For the Soul By Nicole Petroff If you ask different yoga teachers/masters what the yoga diet consists of, you would probably get different answers, just as there are different ways of doing postures and different opinions of what is considered to be a branch or style of yoga. In my research I had found… Continue reading Food For The Soul

Creating Balance, Meditation, Off the Mat into the World, Practice of Yoga-Uniting, Relationships, Relaxation, Self Realization, Spirituality

The power of NOW on mass consiousness

September 2007I feel something happening within the human race. Our thoughts weather they are negative or positive effect the plane of existence that we are on. While talking to some of my friends about their problems and there feelings of anxiety, anger, despair, hatred towards the world. I try to bring some positive in their… Continue reading The power of NOW on mass consiousness